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St. Francis Catholic Primary School

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After School Club & Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club/After School Club Policy


After School Club

St Francis After School Club runs from 3.15 - 6.00 pm. 

Where:  We are mainly based in the Large Hall but on occasions we may locate to the ICT suite

When:  The club runs from Monday to Friday from 3.15 - 6.00 pm.  Please note that there is no club on the last day of each term i.e. before Christmas holiday, before Easter holiday and before summer holiday

Cost:  £8.00 per session which includes a light tea and drinks

Who runs the club:  Supervisor - Miss. N White;  Assistants - Mrs. R Read, Mrs. R Heppleston and Miss K Kennaway

Breakfast Club

Where: We are based in the Large Hall at school. Entry is through the Key Stage 2 entrance.

When: The club runs from Monday to Friday from 7:45 am until 8:40 am.

Who runs the club: Lead - Miss N White, Assistants -  Mrs T Ward, Mrs M Boyle and Mrs R Heppleston

The Cost: £3.50 for each session which includes Breakfast. 

Breakfast is prepared and served by our breakfast club team.  

Breakfast & After School Club Booking

Bookings for Breakfast Club and After School Club are now booked directly through Parent Pay.

How to Book - Watch Video on How to Book

  • Log in to Parent Pay and click Pay for Other Items
  • Click View (Blue Box) for Breakfast or After School Club
  • Click Book meals and places (Yellow Box)
  • Select Breakfast or After School Club and required week.
  • Click Make or View Bookings.
  • Select required dates.
  • Click Confirm bookings and make payment.