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St. Francis Catholic Primary School

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In this area you will find information about staying safe on the internet!

At Saint Francis we take the safeguarding of our children very seriously, including their online safety when using the internet or devices connected to the internet.

Technology in the 21st Century is an essential resource to support learning and teaching, as well as playing an important role in the everyday lives of children and adults. Consequently, schools need to build in the use of these technologies in order to arm our young people with the skills to access life-long learning and employment.

Whilst exciting and beneficial both in and out of the context of education, much ICT, particularly web-based resources, are not consistently policed. All users need to be aware of the range of risks associated with the use of these Internet technologies. As such, we work with our pupils to enable them to understand the dangers and keep themselves safe and legal in and beyond the classroom.

As part of our computing and PSHE curriculum we have half termly sessions covering e-safety. This is vital in making sure that all children know what they can do if they ever feel unsafe or unsure about something they have seen or heard online. We know that children, even at younger ages, have access social media or play internet-connected games, which can open children to a risk of being targeted and/or bullied. Therefore for parents, we hold regularly e-safety sessions and in Key Stage 2, we work with different agencies on delivering workshops.

Our Trust Online Safety Policy  and Acceptable Use Policy



Guides and Conversation Starters for Parents 

Remember please make sure that you are not placing your child at risk by allowing them to use sites or apps that are age restricted. We advise parents that children should use technology in a safe, supervised manner and this page includes the SMART e-safety rules to use at home.

Social Media Age Restrictions

  • 13 years or older: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Snapchat
  • 16 years or older: Whatsapp

10 Tips for ParentsConverstaion Starters For Parents and CarersCall-Of-Duty GuideFacebook GuideFIFA GuideFortnite GuideGoogleStadia GuideHidden Photo Apps Guideinstagram GuideKIK Guide

LootBoxes and SkinBetting GuideMinecraft GuideNintendo Switch GuideSnapchat GuideSocial Media Influencers GuideTellonym Guidetik-tok GuideTwitch Guidewhatsapp GuideXBOX Guide

Amazon Alexa Sept 2020 NOSCRoblox-Parents-Guide-V2-081118Playstation 5 Nov 2020

A guide on How to set Parent Controls can be found here
The latest E-safety guides from National Online Safety can be found here 

Our E-Safety Curriculum 

More information can be found on our Computing Curriculum page - https://www.stfrancis.bradford.sch.uk/learning/knowledge-rich/computing

Useful Links 



Google Safety Centre




UK Safer Internet Centre

National Online Safety

Net Aware

common sense media