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St. Francis Catholic Primary School

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Welcome to St Francis Nursery - caring for children aged 3-4 years old

If you would like to meet our nursery team and have a look around our classroom please arrange a visit by contacting our office staff or Mrs Needs (Nursery Teacher and Early Years Leader) by either telephone or email.


8.30am - Start of School Day 

11:30 a.m. – Lunch for Nursery and Reception children

3:30 p.m. – End of School day for Nursery children

Our Team

At St Francis Nursery, the staff team work with dedication and passion.  They are led by Mrs. Needs, our qualified teacher and she is supported by Mrs. Lucas, Early Years Practitioner and Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Green, our Teaching Assistants.  All of our staff bring their own unique skills and talents. We work as a supportive team with a family feel and have staff that have been part of our team for over twenty years.

Staff are fully DBS checked, first aid trained and qualified to care for your child. The team update their skills and knowledge through professional development including courses and training and regular staff meetings.

Our Learning

To find out all the details of how we learn in Nursery and all about our curriculum, please visit our Early Years page here 

Lunch Club

If your child is eligible for free 30 hours childcare, then they are invited to stay in school for lunchtime at a cost of £3 per day.  Our school meals are very nutritious and varied, however, they are welcome to bring their own packed lunch if that is preferred.

Further information regarding our school meals can be found here.

Wrap Around Care

For working parents, we provide a Breakfast Club and After School Club.  All the information you need for this can be found here.